Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I have nothing clever to say .... but they do!

Our boys are nearly 2 1/2!  They're talking like crazy and it's so much fun to hear what they come up with and their responses to questions.  We're dealing with our share of no's and Ben's new "hey, hey" when we do something he doesn't like but mostly we're laughing a lot so  I thought I better share it!

Mommy to Ben:  "What book do you want to read for night nights?"
Ben: "Mouse"
Mommy: "Oh,  Goodnight Moon?" It has a mouse on every page doing something different.
Ben: "No, Goodnight Mouse!"

Mommy, while at Costco very late in the afternoon: "Would you like to get a drink while we shop?"
Ben: "Yeah!  and pizza!"

Mommy, holding nail clippers: "Ben come here so I can trim your nails."
Ben: "No I want my fingers left on."

Tommy, pointing to a picture of a woman in our Curious George book that has shoulder length hair and a white coat on:  "That's Jesus!"

Tommy setting a cup of water on the edge of the bathtub while he was in it: "That's my wine."

Tommy went through a phase of calling every woman he saw Grandma.  He hadn't done it in a long time but after walking away with Daddy from the neighbor's driveway he goes:  "Grandma go night night."  I'm glad she didn't hear-  she's only 40 or so!

This quote has a picture too.  I had washed everyone's bedding so I left Rachel on the floor of her room while I put the beds back together.  Soon the boys were in there looking at her books.  Tommy is notorious for sneaking off with her pacifier so when I didn't see her with it I asked,  "Where's your Rachee's binky?"  Ben found it on the floor and we overhear, "Don't chew that book,  here's your binky."


  1. Cute stuff! I am enjoying looking through your old posts!

  2. so cute! I love the wine comment right after the Jesus one... LOL

  3. Ben is soooo funny - don't chew that book - here's your binky - HILARIOUS! :) LOL!
    Love the conversations you have with the boys - and I am glad you are putting them down. My son said something hilarious about toothpaste and the brush one night - he was about 18 mos to 2 yrs and for the life of me I can't remember it - but I did for a few years ... but I still remember the elation and happiness and laughing at him saying it.
    Bravo for your chronicling them ...

  4. Ahhh haaa! They are hilarious. I always mean to write Mya's little quotes down or blog them or something but I always forget. Toddlers say the funniest things! Mya has started talking about people really loudly. Once she said a lady's car stunk that came to buy something from us, right in front of her! LOL
