Now getting all three to look at the camera is akin to a comet sighting. It probably won't happen again for awhile.
Here's one I took just today. Pretty good huh? It helps that my subjects are so good looking... =)
And like everything with these two little boys, it eventually turns rowdy!
Looking at our baby Rachel in between the hooligans got me thinking how she shares features with each of the boys and these two that were "womb mates" look nearly nothing alike! I think of Psalm 139, you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb.... I heard a pastor speak that the use of the word knitting depicts a carefully crafted work or a fine art.... amazing how two gene pools come together three different ways. Looking at her and pictures of the boys at the same age (8 months) makes we wonder which two are the twins?
Here's what I mean.