Wednesday, August 11, 2010

She's Been Out for Nine Months Now!

Our Rachel is nine months old now and we can't believe how fast she's grown.  And I really mean GROWN.  She's in the 90 and 95 percentiles for weight and length.  She weighs in at 22 pounds and is 29 inches long.  She's a ridiculously happy baby and has brought our family great joy.  She has 2 1/4 teeth and prefers table foods she can pick up to being spooned baby food.  When she's had enough pureed flavor of the day she waves her arms in front of her face slapping the food out of the spoon!  It was funny the first ten times.....  Rachel may be our first non crawler-  we'll see.  She turns around in circles on her bottom and pirouettes herself around the room.  She's so content if her brothers are around that she'll just sit and watch and play with her toys for quite a long time. 
Inspecting Grandma's flowers. 

Destroying Daddy's Chemical and Engineering News.  It's OK,  Mommy doesn't understand it either! By the constantly moving hands and the look in her eye, we believe we're going to have a very busy toddler.  She's in good company.


  1. Love those big chunky babies!!! There was a point with Norah where I just thought oh, my--sorry about those thighs, sweetie!! :) They thin way down in toddlerhood of course, but it sure was funny then!

    I think I see some Aunt Alene around the eyes in that second shot!

  2. 2 and 1/4 teeth - so CUTE! I think she's adorable. Maybe her growth is b'c she WON'T eat that pureed stuff? Baby knows best right?
    So glad she's here.
