Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A house full of talkers!

Before they turned two our boys had several words they would say and could tell you a variety of animal sounds.  Most of the talking we heard was asking them to repeat or say a word.  Lately their talking has exploded and they're both speaking sentences and making us laugh everyday.  Ben has a huge vocabulary and likes to repeat everything we say.  He often will elaborate on a simple question with "yeah I do," or "yeah go to park, yeah."  He sort of reminds me of the guy from the movie Rain Man.  Tommy is our outgoing talker and uses lots of funny expressions.  Lately he's taken to calling everyone grandma.  It started when he noticed we have pictures of our beloved grandmas on our picture wall.  He startled our neighbor who's only in her forties and just tonight I overhead Aaron,  while reading bedtime stories,  say "no that's not Grandma,  that's Jesus."

Some other things we've been hearing are:
Ben:  "What are you making Ben?"  "Soup"  "What kind?"  "Yellow!"
Tommy: "I want sowwa" This means share some of your coke with me.
Ben: "Ball Higher!"  This he says to Aaron whose supposed to throw it on the roof so it can roll down.
Tommy: "Mama's coffee ha ha"  Mama's coffee is hot...  I wish this kept them from trying to sample.  When I picked them up from the church nursery they told me they were talking about coffee!
Ben: "Boy oh Boy"
But by far my favorite is when you ask both of them what their sister's name is it's:  "BaaBEE"


  1. LOL! Little kids - you gotta love them and their emerging personalities. :) You definitely have some characters there. :)
