Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sentiments and Valentine's

Happy Valentine's Day.  As I write this I'm enjoying a few dark chocolates and a glass of 7 deadly zins.  It was the chocolates that prompted me to write this blog and dedicate it to my Valentine,  Aaron.  My dad always bought me a box of chocolates on Valentine's Day.  He usually ate half.   I was happy to share.  Aaron,  before I had this box open you were asking for one of the mint truffles.  I was happy to share,  though I have to laugh because you must have picked out two on purspose.  Maybe it's because I had such a good dad growing up that I chose such a good husband.  Though I suppose the bigger picture of life lies in the promise of Jeremiah 29:11.  This time of year always leaves me feeling reflective,  sentimental.  I appreciate and treasure how faithful, steadfast and fun you are.  I remember our first Valentine's Day,  2000.  I wore a dress for the first time for you and you told me I looked incredible.  Not a bad way to start....  Two years later,  after Valentine's day, I left my first job which at the time seemed devastating to me.  You were so calm and pushed me back into the professional world to look for another one.  I needed someone to do that.   I went on to love my career.  Living in Austin,  away from everyone we'd known you were truly my best friend.  Lots of great memories there.  Three years ago,  at this time,  finding myself at fertility clinic trying to figure out what was,  or rather wasn't, going on wasn't what I'd planned on.  I was ready to be called Mommy.....  you never wavered in your faith that we'd get through...we did- with twins!  The following year I tearfully asked if you could stay home from work with me because our slightly colicky baby and his brother felt like too much.  We spent Valentine's day eating lunch at a Panera Bread with two carseats crammed in the booth.  Now they're  happy, wild toddlers and we survived.  And that brings us to last year around this time we discovered there was going to be another one earlier than I thought I would have wanted.  You were happy and reminded me that this was a great, amazing thing happening.  If you haven't noticed she's beautiful-  and she SLEEPS good!  I love you babe.  Here's to many more Valentine's.


  1. I love your new blog and this post is so sweet! What a loving, caring wife and mom you are!

  2. Oh WOW - well I had to go to the kitchen and get some cookies so I wouldn't cry thru this Ode to your Valentine ... :)
    You're a lovely lady and wife and Mom ...
    And your Dad is a wonnerful father ...
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. Awww:). Good husbands must run in the family;).

  4. Yes, I think he was quite taken with you back in the day - I thought it was so sweet. I really liked you, too, so that helped! It was fun to have another girl to hang out with and watch Law & Order. Joani
